VDI Law Firm and its Managing Partner,Vasilis Ikonomidis, were featured on Business Partners, issue of May-June 2024, the magazine of the American – Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.

In line with AmCham Greece’s Rule of Law 2024 Conference, the Business Partners team has asked this issue’s Thought Leaders to reflect on the importance of the rule of law and its contribution to development and prosperity, as well as on other current topics such as the effect of AI and innovation on judicial services and the ways in which corporate governance can support rule of law principles in business.

Vasilis, shared his thoughts about the growing role of AI in legal practice outlining benefits, potential, and ethical concerns.

A key benefit of AI, is its ability to increase the productivity of legal practitioners by automating time consuming tasks; for instance, AI legal research tools can search through vast databases of legal texts, legislation, and jurisprudence in seconds, thus accelerating legal research and improving efficacy.

Find out more on pg. 32 of the issue